Scrollr is like the usual ticker, but customized for what YOU care about.
Sports, Crypto, Fantasy Football, Stocks. Completely customizable at your fingertips.
Locked Bar? Moving Tiles? What the heck are those?Great Question! Short answer - these are where you can customize what you want to see and how. Locked Bar - This single piece of data remains fixed on your Scrollr so it's always right there for you to check. Think of this as the piece of data you care the most about. Right now your options include: - Your Team's Fantasy Football score - The price of a single stock - The price of a single crypto Moving Tiles - Think of this as your more traditional "ticker" type of data. But with Scrollr you can customize the specific types of data you care about. *You don't have to have both the Locked Bar or Moving Tiles in order to use Scrollr. For example if you only want to use to keep track of stocks, you would leave nothing checked in the "Moving Tile" section and the only Stocks checked in the "Tile Cards" section.
Can I change the location of my Scrollr on my screen?Sure can! On the left side of the scroll you can click the up or down arrows to place the Scroll at the top or bottom of the page
How do I turn off Scrollr?There are two ways: - Click the "X" in the bottom right of the Scrollr Bar - Open the Scrollr Dropdown and hit "disable"
Can I use Scrollr while watching Full Screen?Absolutely! That's the best way to watch in our opinion. Simply click turn on Scrollr and then make the video player full screen. It should work. This is still a work in progress, so you might need to refresh if it doesn't work the first time.
Can I use Scrollr on my TV?Sure can! Chromecast - Scrollr works with Chromecast, just cast whatever tab you are streaming from. Just make sure to change the "source" to "desktop" (not "tab"). For a quick tutorial on how to do that click HERE. Apple Mirror - Simply mirror your tab, just like any other tab. HDMI - old school style. Nice. Dont forget to change the screen resolution to make everything proportional - Heres how to do it on Mac and on Windows
Can I change the speed of Scrollr?Yup! Open the extension drop down (located in top right of browser) and click the settings wheel. Under "Scroll Speed" you can change the rate at how fast the "Moving Tiles" cycle through.
How do I find my ESPN League ID?Go to your ESPN league home page and look at the URL. Your League ID is the number after "leagueId=" For example, the league the four of us are in is:
I'm in multiple ESPN Fantasy leagues - How do I switch which league is showing?Open up the Scrollr extension and swap out the League ID to whichever league you want to view.
Will you be adding more Fantasy Football Platforms?That's the plan! We'd love your input on what platforms you use. Fill out our Scrollr User Habits survey to help us out!
How do I customize which stocks/crypto I follow?If you wish, you can pick a single stock/crypto on your "Locked Bar" to always have the live price shown. If you want to customize the stocks/crypto in the "Moving Tile" section click the "Select Stocks" or "Select Crypto" to select what you see. *Tip - Try using the "select all" and "deselect all" to clear the slate and pick the specific ones you want.
About Scrollr
Scrollr began one Sunday while a group of friends were trying to kill that dreaded hour between the final afternoon NFL games and Sunday Night Football. We started daydreaming about how amazing it would be to see our Fantasy Football scores on the same screen we were watching the actual games on. Sadly, nothing like that existed.
So we built it.
Scrollr only exists because it's something WE wanted to use. After months of obsessing over, arguing over, building, restarting and rebuilding we are finally ready to share Scrollr with the world. We love using Scrollr and hope you do too.
But we aren't nearly done yet. No sir.
While building Scrollr, we've realized how much more we can do and add. Our dream is that Scrollr will, one day, show every stat, bit of info or anything that matters to YOU while you watch Sports, in a completely customizable fashion.