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Get real-time updates on the data YOU care about -  Sports, Crypto, Fantasy Football or Stocks - all in a custom ticker on the Google Chrome browser.

Follow YOUR Data in REAL TIME

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Custom data and info tailored to YOU

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Without missing a single snap

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While you browse

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And even......

While you work... 

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Scrollr is like the usual ticker, but customized for what YOU care about.

Sports, Crypto, Fantasy Football, Stocks. Completely customizable at your fingertips.


About Scrollr

Scrollr began one Sunday while a group of friends were trying to kill that dreaded hour between the final afternoon NFL games and Sunday Night Football. We started daydreaming about how amazing it would be to see our Fantasy Football scores on the same screen we were watching the actual games on. Sadly, nothing like that existed. 


So we built it.  


Scrollr only exists because it's something WE wanted to use. After months of obsessing over, arguing over, building, restarting and rebuilding we are finally ready to share Scrollr with the world. We love using Scrollr and hope you do too. 


But we aren't nearly done yet. No sir.  


While building Scrollr, we've realized how much more we can do and add. Our dream is that Scrollr will, one day, show every stat, bit of info or anything that matters to YOU while you watch Sports, in a completely customizable fashion.   


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